Re: Re[2]: Crusades on film/medieval movies

Ruby Rohrlich (rohrlich@GWIS2.CIRC.GWU.EDU)
Wed, 12 Apr 1995 14:40:47 -0400

forward any such ideas. Please keep in touch. Ruby Rohrlich
On Tue, 11 Apr 1995 wrote:

> Ruby,
> I couldn't agree more. I taught anthropology at a
> community college for ten years prior to coming to NEH, and
> I remain convinced that the most important audience for the
> discipline to reach is introductory students and the general
> public. Especially with students, that's usually the only
> chance they'll have to consider information about human
> diversity in any systematic way.
> As part of my work here I have tried to drum up greater
> interest among my anthropology colleagues in participating
> in the work of the state humanities councils in order to
> promote broader public awareness of our field. Most
> humanities councils operate speakers bureaus, and the kinds
> of topics that we can tackle -- local prehistory,
> understandings about inter-group dynamics and cultural
> differences, the evolution of the species -- are ones that
> the public is keenly interested in. Of course, there are
> always opportunities for anthropologists to get involved in
> bigger public education projects through their councils,
> such as teacher institutes, exhibits, oral history projects,
> etc.
> So far, I've had limited success. Typically, a state
> council might have an anthropologist or archaeologist on its
> board, and it might list a couple of anthropology offerings
> through its roster of speakers, but by and large I think we
> could do a better job of getting the word out within
> each of our states. The AAA has done a good job of trying
> to keep us visible at the organizational level, but I
> welcome any ideas you might have as to how to provide an
> incentive for individual professionals to stay
> in touch with people in their own backyard.